Disability Hub

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Disability Hub Consultation Workshop

The Centre for Lebanese Studies at the Lebanese American University in partnership with Oxford Brookes University- Centre for Development and Emergency Practice (CENDEP) organised a brainstorming session on Wednesday September 12, 2018 to establish a Hub on disability related issues in the MENA region- an initiative established by the above partners. The main objective of…

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Promoting Inclusive Society Through Empowering Youth

“Promoting Inclusive Society Through Empowering Youth” workshop was held on Thursday, August 16 and Monday, August 28, 2017 at the Unesco Beirut Office. The participants, who are graduate students in their early careers, were trained on the rights of the persons with disabilities (PWD’s), the concept of mainstreaming disability and the role of youth in it. In addition…

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Access Campaign: Raising Awareness of Drop-kerbs

In an attempt to improve access to sidewalks by all the population including wheelchair users and parents with pushchairs, many municipalities including Beirut’s municipality have started the process of equipping pavements with drop-kerbs. However, this development has not been accompanied by awareness campaigns around the purpose of drop-kerbs for the general public. As a result,…

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