May 10, 2012

Rethinking Education for Social Cohesion: International case studies.

  This book offers a critical analysis of the theories underpinning the current approaches and practices of social cohesion. The contributions examine the ethics and policy making of social cohesion, critiquing the nationalistic and economic driven objectives which dominate the field to propose a multi-dimensional approach underpinned by social justice and care. Exploring the challenges encountered by policy makers in reforming education to promote social cohesion, the book also tackles some of the main debates regarding the role of faith and private schools in hindering or promoting social cohesion and presents case studies from around the globe that demonstrate different countries’ attempts to promote social cohesion. The book also investigates the effectiveness of some of the current approaches proposed to promote social cohesion including human right education and citizenship and history education. Table of Contents: Foreword Acknowledgements Abbreviations Notes on Contributors Introduction; M.Shuayb PART I: THE THEORY AND POLITICS OF SOCIAL COHESION From Social Cohesion to Social Justice and Care in Education: Re-visiting the Theory and Practice; M.Shuayb Education, Social Cohesion and Human Rights; H.Starkey Multicultural Citizenship and Social Cohesion: Reflecting on the Case Study of England; D.Kiwan The Historical Legacy and Political Implications of State and Sectarian Schools in Lebanon; M.Farha Education for Social Cohesion in Lebanon: The Educational Reform Experiment in the Wake of the Lebanese War; M.Abou Assali Education as a Basic Means in Building Societal Cohesion in Lebanon: An Unfinished Task; N.Frayha Common School or Common System? R.Pring PART II: MEANS FOR PROMOTING SOCIAL COHESION: EVIDENCE FROM THE FIELD Building Social Inclusion and Community Cohesion: The Role of the Citizenship-rich School; T.Breslin Current Models and Approaches to Social Cohesion in Secondary Schools in Lebanon; M.Shuayb Civics Re-examined: The Gap Between Civic Education and Active Citizenship in Lebanon; B.Akar Promoting a Rights-based Perspective in Initial Teacher Education; L.Jerome & A.McCallum Achieving Social Cohesion in Europe through Education: A Success Story; R.García Carrión School Linking as a means of Fostering Community Cohesion; S.Ali The Power of Language: How Small Shifts in Language Create Big Shifts in Relationships and Behaviour: A Guide for Teachers, Students, Leaders and Parents; A.Asseily Teaching and Learning History for Strengthening Reconciliation and Peace Building Process: Experience of the Council of Europe; T.Minkina-Milko Conclusion; M.Shuayb Index

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