The aim of the project was to examine how conceptions of citizenship change in contexts of significant political upheaval in Lebanon. This was led by the current CLS Fellow at St Anthony’s College, Oxford. The project’s two main objectives are understanding: i) the conditions and processes of change, and ii) the ‘actors’: who and how such discourses are produced and interact.
Conceptions of ‘citizenship’ are of great relevance across a wide range of policy domains, including education, immigration, naturalization, refugees and social integration. This project is particularly relevant today, at a time when citizen revolts across the Arab world reflect urgent calls for a new ‘social contract’ between citizens and the state, challenging the scales of exclusion and sub-levels of citizenship that pervasively affect people’s lives. This research has the potential to contribute to the intellectual history of citizenship beyond Lebanon, challenging traditional conceptions of citizenship, democracy, civil society, equality and justice.
For further information contact: Dina Kiwan. Email address: [email protected]