Healing the Wounds of History (HWH) is a program by the Centre for Lebanese Studies (CLS) launched in November 2011 to help healing the unresolved, deeper roots of violence unconsciously activated in the present from previous generations. The challenges faced by Lebanon and the region are self-evident where cycles of violence have played out repeatedly through the ages. All of this is well documented, but what is less obvious, is how the battles of the past are held in our memory and can deeply affect the present and future generations. Whether we are conscious of this or not, we may be reliving the trauma of our parents, grandparents or even long dead ancestors (check new studies on epigenetics).
The HWH training is concerned with unearthing these deeply rooted identities so that we can begin to reframe the “self”, humanize the other and improve relationships. On one hand, the program develops capacities at an individual level. On the other hand, it helps collective action and peace-building efforts at the group level. This important work then actively supports political, social, economic, and civil endeavours.