The project is part of a series of programs and activities organized by CLS to transform the teaching of history in Lebanon from a single narrative approach to a disciplinary one. Learning history as a discipline can foster dialogue, collaboration, informed decision-making and other necessary competencies for social cohesion, democracy and active citizenship.
The project runs for two years and has four main objectives:
- Support a group of 40 teachers to advance a pedagogical and curricular shift in history education from memorizing a single narrative to learning history as a discipline.
- Produce a comprehensive teacher education curriculum for learning history as a discipline that can be facilitated and presented to MEHE as a comprehensive professional development program.
- Support teachers in publishing their work into learning resources available to all history teachers in Lebanon through the LAH website that offers an interactive platform for history teachers to share materials.
- The project is funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and is organized in partnership with the Lebanese Association for History.
The project comes as part of CLS’s commitment to develop history education in Lebanon and support teachers to introduce a new history pedagogy.
The workshops take place from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm
at the LAU, Beirut Campus as per the following schedule: