A conference organised jointly by the Centre for Lebanese Studies, the Centre d’etudes de l’Orient Contemporain (Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III), the Centre de Formation et de Perfectionnement des Journalistes, and the Centre d’etudes et de Recherches sur le Moyen-Orient Contemporain. It sought both to analyse the complexity of the Lebanese crisis and to look for possible scenarios for the future. The conference addressed issues such as the economic and social crisis in Lebanon; external emigration; forced displacement of populations within Lebanon; and the Lebanese citizen and the State. Participants included Prof Khalil Abou Rjaili, Prof Adnan al-Amin, Prof Ahmad Baydoun, Dr Nabil Beyhum, Dr Kamal Hamdan, Dr Boutros Labaki, Prof Antoine Messarra, Mr Nadim Shehadi and Prof Ghassan Salame.