"Not Being Able To Go To School Hurt My Life, But Vocational Education Was Good."

This drawing expresses my life. The timeline starts in 2011 at the beginning of the war, and its tremendous negative impact on all aspects of my life.

So, the black color expresses this difficult stage, and red represents anger.

2017 was a year of displacement. This phase had a significant impact on my life, my ambition, and the future. I painted it in black because it was dark and challenging. After the displacement, I changed many jobs, which impacted my life and finances. The emptiness in the painting refers to 2017-2018 because they did not witness any change.

The stability started at the beginning of 2019, represented by marriage, good work, and stability for the whole family, so I colored it in blue and green. This stability continued until 2020 until the Corona pandemic had a minor impact on life. I believe every person’s ambition is based on their potential. I aspire to a better life.

Not being able to go to school hurt my life, but vocational education was good. In 2013, I couldn’t complete the ninth grade when I got here. My ambition was to continue my studies, and this is what I could not achieve. And when you lose the opportunity to study to achieve your dream, you lose the dream.