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Call for papers: Lifelong learning in emergencies: Pushing the epistemological boundaries

The Centre for Lebanese Studies is proud to announce this call for papers to be published in a special issue of the International Review of Education – Journal of Lifelong Learning (IRE) with guest editors Maha Shuayb, Mai Abu Moghli and Jafia Camara and under the title: Lifelong learning in emergencies: Pushing the epistemological boundaries We invite academics and practitioners in the field…

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Educators’ Hub for Expression and Change

CLS believes in co-creative spaces where educators can discuss, produce knowledge, and create strategies for change. The “Educators’ Hub for Expression and Change”, in collaboration with The Asfari Foundation, is an open platform for educators to raise their voices, to build their own education vision, and promote dialogue about the current challenges and difficulties they…

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From Education to Employment: Youth Trajectories In Jordan And Lebanon In The Context Of Protracted Displacement

The Centre for Lebanese Studies and the Institute for Migration Studies, both at the Lebanese American University uncovered the 3 years research insights “From Education to Employment: Youth Trajectories in Jordan and Lebanon in the Context of Protracted Displacement”. The virtual panel explored some reflections from Jordan and Lebanon about the quality of education, education dropout rate, employability attainment, and the…

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Challenges of Ethnographic Fieldwork Within Migrant Communities

Ethnographic research within migrant communities living in precarious conditions is mainly conducted by researchers from the Global North, or affiliated to research institutions located in the Global North. This raises additional and specific methodological challenges in terms of positionality and research ethics. These challenges manifest themselves in intertwined ways at various research stages, from the…

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The Challenges and Prospects of Returning to School: Reflections of Parents, Teachers, and Principals in Lebanon

Mohammad Hammoud, Maha Shuayb, and Ola AlSamhoury   This report is funded by the Spencer Foundation   Executive Summary This report examines school, teacher, parent, and student readiness and challenges for the new school academic year (2021-2022). It aims to probe the challenges and prospects of returning to in-person and online schooling and the possible solutions…

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Research Highlight: Empowering Local Refugee Relief

CLS partners with international universities to mobilize understanding and boost civil responses to refugee crises. Back in 1648, a series of peace treaties ended an era of wars in Europe – which historians came to identify as the beginning of the modern system of sovereign states. However, a result of the foundation of those states,…

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What Options Do Young Refugees Have?

CLS launches an interdisciplinary study on refugee education and employment, and the links between the two. The Centre for Lebanese Studies (CLS) at LAU is not new to bringing the plight of refugee and underprivileged populations to the forefront of academic research in hope of understanding and producing more educated strategies for addressing the crisis. Most recently,…

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Education for All

“When I grow up, I want to be a doctor,” scribbled 13-year old Roqaya on a whiteboard next to the Safadi Fine Arts Building. In another context, this would not have been as significant since international law – which stipulates that all children have a legal right to free and compulsory primary education, and access…

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Promising Partnership Models for Education in Emergencies: A Global-Local Analysis

LAU’s Centre for Lebanese Studies (CLS) and the University of Massachusetts Boston’s Institute for International and Comparative Education (IICE) have been jointly awarded a $461,981 grant from the Dubai Cares Evidence for Education in Emergencies (E-Cubed) Research Envelope. The title of the project is Promising Partnership Models for Education in Emergencies: A Global-Local Analysis. It aims to…

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Round Table: Widening Access to Quality Education for Syrian Refugees: The Role of Private and NGO Sectors in Lebanon

The Centre for Lebanese Studies (CLS) organized a round table on the first of December 2014 to discuss the results of its recent research entitled “Widening Access to Quality Education for Syrian Refugees: The Role of Private and NGO Sectors in Lebanon”. The round table brought together representatives of Lebanese and Syrian schools that provide…

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طاولة مستديرة لمناقشة نتائج دراسة حديثة بعنوان “توسيع فرص التعليم النوعي للاطفال السوريين في لبنان: دور القطاعين الخاص والمنظمات الاهلية في لبنان”

 نظم مركز الدراسات اللبنانية طاولة مستديرة لمناقشة نتائج الدراسة التي اجراها حول دور القطاع الاهلي والخاص في تأمين فرص تعليم للاطفال السوريين في لبنان والبحث في نوعية البرامج التي يوفرها القطاعين لهذه الشريحة التي لا يزال معظمها غير قادر على الحصول على فرصة للتعليم في لبنان. ولقد جمعت الطاولة ممثلين عن مدارس لبنانية وسورية توفر…

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خبر صحفي: مؤتمر عمان يتصدى للتحديات التي تمنع أطفال اللاجئين السوريين من الحصول على التعليم

عمان، 25 حزيران 2014–  كانت الطرق المبتكرة لتلبية الحاجات التعليمية المتزايدة لأطفال اللاجئين السوريين هي محور النقاشات التي دارت في مؤتمر عمان الأسبوع الماضي، والذي نُظم بالتعاون ما بين مركز الدراسات اللبنانية، واليونيسيف، والمفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين واليونيسكو. جمع المؤتمر ما بين الخبراء في مجال التعليم والمسؤولين الحكوميين من سوريا، ولبنان، والأردن، وتركيا، والعراق، ومصر، وممثلين…

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Press Release: Challenges Preventing Syrian Refugee Children From Receiving an Education Tackled at Amman Conference

Amman, June 25 2014: Innovative ways of meeting the rising educational needs of Syrian refugee children were at the centre of a three day Conference in Amman last week, organized by the Centre for Lebanese Studies (CLS), UNICEF, UNHCR and UNESCO.   The Conference brought together education specialists and government officials from Syria, Lebanon, Jordan,…

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“Towards a Responsible and Disciplinary Approach to History Education in the Mediterranean Region”

The Lebanese Association for History, EUROCLIO, and Notre Dame University In collaboration with the Centre for Lebanese Studies and the Finnish Institute in the Middle East cordially invites you to a workshop Towards a responsible and disciplinary approach to history education in the Mediterranean Region – Empowering educators to use multi-perspective approaches and historical thinking…

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Monthly Sociology Café: Foreign Workers in Lebanon: Political and Social Implications

American University of Beirut Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Media Studies Centre for Lebanese Studies Cordially Invite you to the Tuesday 18 March Starting at 18:00 pm Hamra Square- Ground Floor-Below Regusto Resto   Topic of the month: Foreign workers in Lebanon: political and social implications Discussion initiated in Arabic by Elisabeth Longuenesse Sociologist, CNRS…

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Eugene Rogan

Eugene Rogan is Director of the Middle East Centre at St Antony’s College, University of Oxford. He took his B.A. in economics from Columbia, and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Middle Eastern history from Harvard. He taught at Boston College and Sarah Lawrence College before taking up his post in Oxford in 1991, where he…

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The Demobilisation of the Lebanese Militias Elizabeth Picard/ ISBN 1 870552 64 4 The Waters of the Litani in Regional Context John Kolars and Thomas Naff/ ISBN 1 870552 19 9 The Reconstruction of Beirut Oussama Kabbani/ ISBN 1 870552 34 2 The Questions of South Lebanon Fida Nasrallah/ ISBN 1 870552 39 3 The Document of National Understanding:…

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List of Books

Rethinking Education for Social Cohesion – Edited by Maha Shuayb Breaking the Cycle – Civil wars in Lebanon – Edited by Youssef M Choueiri / ISBN 10:1905299532 – ISBN 13: 9781905299539 Distant Relations – Iran and Lebanon in the last 500 years – Edited by H.E. Chehabi and Hassan Mneimneh / ISBN 9781860645617 Lebanon and Arabism, 1936-1945 –…

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Sami Hermes

Whilst a fellow at the Centre for Lebanese Studies Dr. Sami Hermez was involved in the following works: The Anthropology of Violence: ‘In the Meanwhile: Living Everyday in Anticipation of War in Lebanon’ – Dr. Sami Hermez The project examines how a constant anticipation of political violence in Lebanon has continued to impact the lives…

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Book launch: Rethinking Education for Social Cohesion: International Case Studies on Thursday, February 7, 2013

Center for Lebanese Studies and Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs and the  Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies (AUB) cordially invite you to the book launch of  Rethinking Education for Social Cohesion: International Case Studies Editor: Maha Shuayb (2012) Palgrave Macmillan Including a panel and open discussion with Maha Shuayb,Dina Kiwan & Mark Farha…

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New Publication: Rethinking Education for Social Cohesion: International Case Studies

New Publication. Rethinking Education for Social Cohesion: International Case Studies. Editor: Maha Shuayb. Special launch price, order now and pay half price – £ 27.50 until February 2013. To order your copy at this special price, visit www.palgrave.com and quote discount code WSOCIAL2012a, or email order to [email protected] Alternatively use the PDF Order Form to…

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Historical thinking: An approach for teaching history in conflict areas:
Lessons from the Greek Cypriot -Turkish Cypriot experience

20 October 2012 College Hall, Auditorium B American University of Beirut Time: 8.30am – 2.30pm The Centre for Lebanese Studies, at St Antony’s College, Oxford University and the Lebanese Association for Educational Studies, in collaboration with the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies at the American University of Beirut, cordially invite you to attend a…

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Rethinking Education for Social Cohesion: International case studies.

  This book offers a critical analysis of the theories underpinning the current approaches and practices of social cohesion. The contributions examine the ethics and policy making of social cohesion, critiquing the nationalistic and economic driven objectives which dominate the field to propose a multi-dimensional approach underpinned by social justice and care. Exploring the challenges…

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Education for Social Cohesion

In 2009 the Centre launched a project aimed at piloting the impact of adopting a whole school approach to social cohesion and citizenship education on young people’s political and civic attitudes.  In Lebanon, the current and most predominant approach to citizenship education relies on teaching civics one hour per week.  However, research showed that this…

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CLS education for social cohesion project announcement

Project Overview A Whole School Approach to Active Citizenship Education and Social Cohesion The project aims to support schools in promoting active citizenship, and social cohesion through a sustainable and holistic educational programme that emphasizes critical pedagogies, democratic practices at school, and strong school/community relationships. This educational programme is proposed as an alternative to the…

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November 11-13, 2011, Upcoming Conference at LAU Byblos.

  On ‘Healing the wounds of history’. The CLS is currently planning an international conference entitled ‘Healing the Wounds of History: Addressing Roots of Violence’ to be held on 11-13 November 2011 in Byblos, Lebanon. A collaboration between the CLS, the Guerrand-Hermes Foundation for Peace and the Lebanese American University. Please refer to the Conference…

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Socio-political Change in Lebanon after 2005

  Social and Political Change in the Aftermath of the 2005 Hariri Assassination: Implications for Everyday Life in Lebanon May 20, 2011 Introductions and Welcome Remarks: George Asseily, Centre for Lebanese Studies; Luc Borot, Maison Francaise d’Oxford Lebanese Political Parties and the Politics of Sectarianism Bernard Rougier Syria and Sunni Lebanon After 2005: Stakes and…

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Workshop at St Antony’s College.

  On Social and Political Change in Lebanon. ‘Social and Political Change in the Aftermath of the 2005 Hariri Assassination: Implications for Everyday Life in Lebanon’, One-day workshop. 10:30am to 6pm, organized by CLS fellow Sami Hermez – St. Antony’s College, Oxford University. Please refer to the Conference Programme.

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‘Is Lebanon Reformable?’, Nadim Houry

Nadim Houry is Human Rights Watch’s senior researcher for Lebanon and Syria and the director of the Beirut office. His talk entitled ‘Is Lebanon Reformable?’. In the course of his work Nadim has documented violations of international humanitarian law during the July 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah. He has also researched human rights violations…

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Was Beirut a Levantine City, and is it still?

Dr. Mansel, who made his reputation as a historian and authority on nineteenth century France, and later wrote two excellent works on Constantinople and the Ottoman Empire, has very recently published a highly acclaimed book entitled ‘Levant: Splendour and Catastrophe on the Mediterranean’ where the Levant is seen through the history of three key cities,…

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